“Grads and Dads” Sale at Harris Communications
Celebrate Grads and Dads with 15% savings on select products. In
addition, receive free shipping on all orders over $75!*
Save on the popular Sonic Bomb SBB500ss Alarm Clock (SA-SBB500SS). It
includes a powerful bed shaker and 113dB extra loud audio alarm.
Regularly $49.95, now only $42.46!
Save on graduation pins and keytags. The ILY Graduation Pin (N485) is
regularly $6.95, now only $5.91. Buy one for every graduate you know.
*Free ground shipping on orders going to the contiguous US only. Sale
ends June 14, 2012.
To see all the sale items, go to http://bit.ly/HarrisComm_DN060312
or contact us at mailto:info@harriscomm.com.