NLDF Dinner And A Movie 10/5/12 – DFW

NLDF Dinner And A Movie

Tell your friends and family, everyone is welcome! Bring your favorite Popcorn, Soda, Candy or Dinner. Then sit back and enjoy a free family friendly movie. October’s selection is: Amazing Grace.
Date: October 5, 2012

Time: 7:30 pm

New Life Deaf Fellowship
6917 Brentwood Stair Rd
Fort Worth, TX 76112

PH: 866-644-6748
VP (local): 817-932-7205
VP (toll free): 866-644-6748

Cost: FREE

Contact if any questions:

Amazing Grace tells the inspiring story of how one man’s passion and perseverance changed the world. Based on the true-life story of William Wilberforce (Gruffudd), a leader of the British abolition movement, the film chronicles his epic struggle to pass a law to end the slave trade in the late 18th century. Along the way, Wilberforce meets intense opposition from members of Parliament who feel the slave trade is tied to the stability of the British Empire. Several friends, including Wilberforce’s minister, John Newton (Finney), a reformed slave ship captain who penned the beloved hymn Amazing Grace, urge him to see the cause through. (review from Lifeway Christian Bookstore)

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