Looking for a part time employee who signs – Austin

Looking for a part time employee who signs – Austin

Hi there,

I work for the Mary Lee Foundation, which is a non-profit in South Austin that provides services for people with disabilities. One of the people we provide for is deaf so I am looking for a female employee to work part time who signs to work with this young lady. The hours would be Tuesday and Thursday after school (around 5p-7p) and 5-6 hours on a Saturday or Sunday. They would be taking her on activities and teaching her good social and community skills. The job requirements are being at least 21 years old, valid Texas drivers license, good driving record, good criminal history, non-smoker, ability to lift without restriction, good writing skills.

Thanks very much!

Leigh Dunson
Email: ldunson@maryleefoundation.org
Mary Lee Foundation

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