Scarborough Faire
Scarborough Faire Interpreters
Deaf Awareness Day at Scarborough Faire will be on April 20, 2013. As in the past we need interpreters to interpret the shows and we have a few new additions.
You do not have to be certified to participate, just have good interpreting skills. If you think you qualify you can reach me at stella@mis-interpreting.com The time is really close and due to my surgeries I have not gotten this out as early as I should have.
If you decide to participate you will be expected to be at the “Fairegrounds” from opening to closing. And for your participation you will receive a T-shirt (which we will wear on the 20th), a drink coupon, a food coupon, and a ticket to get into Scarborough Faire at another time.
For those of you who have participated in the past I look forward to seeing you there. For those of you who have never “played” with us, I look forward to meeting you. If you are not sure you can come – talk to me and together we can decide. Some of you who have interpreted in the past have a favorite show you would like to do. Let me know and I will schedule you. Remember first come first serve.
Stella Ashley
214-969-5585 office