GTID elections, workshop and meeting 5/10/13 – Beaumont

 GTID elections, workshop and meeting 5/10/13 

Golden Triangle Interpreters for the Deaf

May 10th – SAVE THE DATE…

* General Membership Meeting and Election of Officers for 2013-2014
5:30pm, the GTID 2013-2014 Officer Elections and General meeting.

* Following the meeting will be a short Business Practices workshop, from 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM.
. 25 BEI CEUs available. Cost: $5 for members and $10 for non-members.

“Business Practices” for Interpreters

Presented by: Paige Abshire and Barbara Johnson

CEU’s approved for BEI

Registration information can be found on our Facebook page!

Pizza will be served at the General Meeting; please RSVP to attend.

Lamar University, Speech & Hearing Center, Beaumont, Texas

For additional information, please feel free to contact:

2012-2013 Officers:
President Barbara Johnson – Vice President Aaron Capps
Secretary Zanthia Smith – Treasurer Paige Abshire

Email:  OR

Paige Abshire, GTID Treasurer


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