REMINDER: DARS Inquiries TTY Line to be Shut Down 5/1/13

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REMINDER: DARS Inquiries TTY Line to be Shut Down Today

Dear Stakeholders,

As a reminder, this is a final notification that the DARS TTY line will be turned off at the close of business today, May 1, 2013. Text telephone, or TTY, is a technology that has become obsolete thanks to advances in Internet communications, videophones, and relay services for people who are deaf and hard of hearing.

DARS Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services support this action. The reasons for the TTY line being shut down include:

* Many in the deaf and hard of hearing community consider TTY outdated and rely on other electronic and telephone technology to communicate.
* TTY equipment replacement and repair is costly and difficult to locate.
* The call volume on the TTY line has dropped significantly to the point where only misdialed calls are received on this line.
* Other health and human service agencies have shut down their TTY lines and utilize Texas Relay Services to communicate with deaf and hard of hearing people in the state.

Since December of 2012, DARS has been reaching out to stakeholders, providers, and Texans who are deaf and hard of hearing to notify them about this action and we ask that our stakeholders continue to help us circulate this information.

As we approach the cutoff, we ask you to help spread the word to people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired that they may still contact DARS by using the relay service provider of their choice. Texas offers Relay Texas which can be reached by dialing toll-free 7-1-1 or 1-800-RELAY TX (1-800-735-2989).
If you have questions, you may contact the DARS Inquiries Line at 1-800-628-5115 or email

Thank you for your participation in DARS’ commitment to serving Texans with disabilities.

Cassie Fisher

DARS is on Facebook at


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