LOOK: CODA / Deaf Children’s sign choir for TV show America’s Got Talent

Attention parents in Dallas / Fort Worth area:
We are looking for children (age 4-18) who are Deaf or hearing children of Deaf parents to join our Children's ASL Sign Choir THIS WEEK!!
We've been asked to submit a video to one of the producers for the TV show 'America's Got Talent'. IF our video is approved we will go to New York OR California to compete in front of the celebrity judges!
Parents: please contact one of us THIS WEEK if your child (Deaf or CODA) is interested. Our next rehearsal is this Saturday. You will need to attend the rehearsal with them to receive very important information.
Please contact one of us ASAP:
Peggy Cobb – peggycobbsmiles@yahoo.com
Jackie Taylor – jackietaylor60@yahoo.com

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