Deaf / ASL Social 2/22/14 – Baytown
We are having a Social on February 22, 2014 from 5-7 p.m. in "the Overflow" at Second Baytown. The address in 6227 North Main in Baytown 77520.
WHO IS INVITED? All Deaf, Hard of Hearing, their families & friends, ASL students and anyone else who would like to make new friends (Deaf and hearing), have fun, and improve their ASL skills. Special Performance by the REL ASL Club.
There has long been a lack of a place in the east Houston/Baytown area where families can come together and we hope look forward to having this every month so come out and join us for our first Baytown Deaf/ASL Social.
We will have snacks but you are also welcome to bring your favorite dish or snack.
Thank you,
Jesus Garcia
713-870-5287 voice or text