SafePlace seeks a Deaf Services Advocate/Educator

Help Wanted

SafePlace seeks a Deaf Services Advocate/Educator
$29,000 – $34,500/Year

This position serves as an advocate to Deaf domestic/sexual violence clients to help with their immediate safety needs, navigation of social service systems, and self-determined goals. This position also conducts targeted outreach to raise awareness about SafePlace services within the Deaf community, and provides training/education to engage the Deaf community in conversation on topics related to domestic/sexual violence and community accountability.

Our ideal candidate will: be sensitive to client confidentiality and have clear and consistent professional boundaries; be able to respond to people in crisis in a sensitive and trauma-informed way; have the ability to build genuine relationships and express care, concern and conflict in healthy ways; honestly be able to assess own strengths and weaknesses; have skills to engage and promote dialogue with youth and adult audiences through education/training activities; have the ability to multi-task and maintain good attention to detail; and have experience working with a variety of Deaf people (grass roots, Deaf, hard of hearing, Deaf/blind, late deafened, etc.).

Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Social Work, Counseling or related field and at least 2 years case management experience; fluency in American Sign Language and life experience or knowledge of Deaf culture; experience in planning and conducting trainings/presentations; knowledge of trauma and the impact of domestic and sexual violence; knowledge of local social service, social welfare, mental health, and criminal justice resources. Prefer candidates with professional experience with developing social media content and VLogs.

CONTACT PERSON NAME: Daniel Malyszka Prelesnik
CONTACT TELEPHONE #: (512) 356-1570 voice

Location: Austin, Texas

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