Job opportunity: ASL Certified Nurse Assistants Needed – Louisiana

ASL CNAs Needed – Louisiana


December 24, 2014

Looking for a job? Want to be part of Amelia Manor?

Amelia Manor Nursing Home is pleased to announce the opening position of Certified Nurse Assistants (CNAs) who are deaf or hearing and who are fluent in American Sign Language (ASL) to work with deaf and deafblind residents. The following criteria apply:


Title: Certified Nurse Assistant

Shift: Two full-time offers: 1) 6:00A-2:00P and 2) 2:00P-10:00P


• 21 years old and up
• Fluent in American Sign Language
• Well-being in health
• Free Certified Nursing Assistant training will be provided by Amelia Manor at South Louisiana Community College to applicants who are determined to be an appropriate match for the job.
• Preference: Those who would meet the normal requirements of the job description of CNA plus are deaf or hearing and fluent in ASL would be given first preference as a perfect match for job duties.
• Any individual whom is willing to learn sign language would be next preference.
• Rationale: ASL is vital to communicate with deaf/deafblind residents.

• If you become a client through Louisiana Rehabilitation Service (LRS) you can take the opportunity to receive benefits and support needs.

If interested, please contact Dan Arabie, Case Manager via email at [email protected]. An appointment for an interview will be scheduled given by Mr. Arabie.

Dan Arabie
Case Manager, Amelia Manor Nursing Home
903 Center Street
Lafayette, Louisiana 70501

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