Deaf Studies News: ASDC 2015 Conference Updates – Indianapolis, Indiana

The ASDC 2015 Core Committee continues to work hard in the preparation of a memorable ASDC Conference!

Just wanted to let you know that there are several updates to the Conference plans.

Please check both sites: and
on Facebook – American Society for Deaf Children – Indiana.

One pending deadline:  Submit a presentation (in form of a workshop and/or shared table).  DUE JANUARY 15.  Information about this is on the

Request for Donation ($$) is also up on both sites, please check it out.  The ‘postcard’ and form are attached.  PLEASE SHARE either or both to your colleagues, business acquaintances, relatives, anyone.  The $$ actually goes back to the ASDC and none is kept for Indiana (except, of course, for conference expenses we have to have or do).



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