REMINDER: East Texas Deaf Festival 11/14/15

East TX Deaf Festival 2015 November 14

REMINDER: East Texas Deaf Festival 2015

A reminder: East Texas Deaf Festival is November 14, 2015 – an all- day event that includes workshop, booth admission, dinner, and entertainment. All activities take place at the Norman Activity Center in Jacksonville, Texas.

Deaf Festival event, booths/exhibits, and workshop

1. East Texas Deaf Festival event hosted by the Tyler Metro Association of the Deaf. Order combo tickets (include admission for booth, dinner, and entertainment presented by Peter Cook) Note: TMAD is extending the deadline for early bird combo tickets to November 7, 2015.

2. East Texas Deaf Festival Booth/Exhibits, (click link to see flyer) we welcome any booths on business, vendors, and non-profit organization. To request for a booth registration form, contact Elizabeth Crook at The deadline to reserve booth is November 2, 2015.

3. Interpreter Workshop (click link to see flyer) sponsored by the Tyler Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Center (TDHHC) the presenter is Peter Cook. Deadline to register is October 31, 2015. For info contact Rhonda at

Submitted by Elizabeth Crook

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