Hike For Hearing 5K
DATE: April 16, 2016
TIME: 8:00am – 12:00pm
Stephen F. Austin State University
1936 North Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75962
WEBSITE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/delta-zeta-hike-for-hearing-tickets-21607030209
Packet Pick-up: 7:15 a.m.
Start of Race: 8:00 a.m.
Start of Race will be on the SFASU commuter lot. In order to locate the commuter lot on campus, go to sfasu.edu and search campus maps under the search handle. HINT: It is where people usually park for the football and basketball games.
*** Please show up at least thirty minutes before the start of race in order to provide you sufficient time to pick up racer packet and T-shirt. ***
Times requires 5 people minimum
Everyone who participates will get a chance to win a DOOR PRIZE!!!
The organization that signs up 100 people on their team first, will receive $400 to use towards the charity of their choice!!
Inclement weather plan: If we have bad weather the morning of the race, look up Hike For Hearing 5K on Facebook for plan B.
Hello everyone!
My name is Margaret Teague I’m the philanthropy chairmen for Delta Zeta at SFASU. I am Deaf as well, and we are hosting our first Hike For Hearing 5K benefiting the Starkey Hearing Foundation! All of the money we raise through this event will give hearing aids to deaf and hard of hearing people!:) Also check us out on Facebook (Hike For Hearing 5K)! Thank you! -Margaret Teague
Delta Zeta Philanthrophy chairmen
CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]
CONTACT TELEPHONE #: 2143359133 (text only)