Game Nite and ASL Chat Haven for March/April 2017 – DFW

Game Nite and ASL Chat Haven for March 2017 – DFW

We’re now into March – mark down the dates and times

Please note; In April, we will meet the 4th Saturday, April 22, 2017 instead of the last Saturday, April 29, 2017

March 2017 Game Nite will be on Friday, the 3rd; 7 pm- at the NLDF church – New Life Deaf Fellowship church

Everyone. Please bring a liter of soda and a snack for all to share-

Game night is an event organized by Deaf people from the church – welcoming non-member Deaf and Hearing people to join in, socialize. Some to just chat, others to play games, enjoy snacks- a relaxing environment on ‘Deaf turf’ for hearing people wanting to interact with Deaf people who use varying sign modalities- Signed English to ASL.

These activities is a great opportunity for hearing people to interact in ASL. Therefore, during both Game Nites and the ASL Chat Haven we ask Deaf people to sign with the hearing people and not use their voices as they sign and vice versa. We ask hearing people to do the same – not speak as you sign. When you use your ‘voice’ while you sign, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible for hearing people to incorporate the varied ASL non-verbal markers of face and body to enable communication in ASL. Also, all such ASL non-verbal markers are minimized when Deaf people speak and sign – hence, the end result is that no one is able to achieve the desired ASL we, both hearing and Deaf people, desire –

Let your voices be silent~ be environed by ’Sound of Silence’; signed communication amongst Deaf people.

So, everyone, come enjoy some ‘chat’, games & snacks-

The monthly March 2017 Chat Haven will take place
Saturday, February 25, 2017 – 1>3 pm

Keep in mind; whether you join in the chat or you just sit and observe- you will learn either way. Patience and perseverance are the primary keys to understanding a language. The main goal of ASL Chat is to enhance your understanding of what a Deaf person is signing, not how well you sign.

Sign comprehension will lead to gradual sign fluently. Additional benefit: Whereas, the ‘target’ people are hearing, Deaf people who were not exposed to ASL and Deaf Community while growing up can benefit from the ASL life stories shared by Deaf persons – whether on DVD or with participants present.

This format may not be the most conducive learning environment for everyone, especially if this is your first exposure to ‘live chat’ with deaf and hearing people in sign communication— at times the ‘talk does get lively’. There are other more formal structured sign language classes in the community and at local colleges that you can look into to get started- However, for anyone up to the challenge- welcome!

February session attendees persevered thru watching the 2nd segment of Joette Paulone’s ‘Once in a Lifetime’ story of her family’s life w/o benefit of sound or captioning – March will see us review and analyze smaller chunks of this segment.

Always a pleasure working with you.

Lillian Hoshauer

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