Catholic Mass in ASL Interpreter Workshop – San Antonio

The Catholic Mass in ASL Interpreter Workshop
Saturday, July 29, 2017 – 9:00am – 4:00pm (0.6 CEUs)

This course will develop interpreter’s understanding of interpreting in the catholic religious setting. Interpreters will grow in their knowledge of the liturgical language and structure of the mass as well as the role of the interpreter. Participants will analyze, discuss, and interpret mass prayers and readings.

Sue Gudenkauf M.A., RID CI/CT, SC:L, Q-MHI
Sue Gudenkauf is the Coordinator of Deaf Ministry for the Archdiocese of Baltimore and a community-based professional sign language interpreter. She is nationally certified through RID holding CT, CI and SC:L as well as a credential as a qualified mental health interpreter. She has worked in a variety of settings, including post-secondary, K-12 education, business, government, medical, mental health, legal, video relay and religious interpreting. Her passion lies mostly within Catholic Christian settings and has worked with the National Catholic Office of the Deaf and the International Catholic Deaf Association. Sue completed her M.A. in Theology and a Certificate in Sacred Scripture from the Augustine Institute from Denver, CO in December 2013.

Location: Assumption Seminary
2600 W. Woodlawn
San Antonio, TX 78228

Fee: $30 Registration / $15 Student
(Lunch included)
Register at:
For more information, contact Angela Mauer at

Thank you!

Angela Mauer, BEI Certified Interpreter, Basic
Director, Deaf Ministry
Department for Pastoral Ministries
Archdiocese of San Antonio
2718 W. Woodlawn Ave., San Antonio, TX, 78228
Phone: 210-734-1952
VP: 210-305-5689

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