Job Opportunity at Axium Solar – Austin, DFW, San Antonio

Job Opportunity at Axium Solar

This is Derik Kendrick with Axium Solar. We are a solar company out of Plano and work all over the state and other states. We currently hand 3 deaf electricians that have joined the company a little over a year ago. I would
like to provide more opportunities for deaf employees but sometimes they me temporary because we’ll be in a area for 6 months on a big project then out of that city.

So most the time we use temp services but I’d rather reach out to the deaf community instead of the temp agencies in some occasions. Right now I’m not in need but am looking for a good soured to reach out to the community. Also give my guys opportunities in running larger crews without the communication barrier.

We have guys in classes learning and most are learning on the job. This is new to our company so any help on things we should be providing the guys would be appreciated. We’re bringing in interpreters for meetings this help too. Mainly need a good source of ways to get opportunities out there.

Derik Kendrick
Axium Solar

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