Over 1,300 Expected for 3-Day “Be Courageous!” Convention in ASL starting August 10th

Over 1,300 Expected for 3-Day “Be Courageous!” Convention in American Sign Language starting August 10

DATE: August 10-12, 2018

TIME: 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM

14542 US Highway 380 W
Krum, Texas 76249-7623 (Near Denton, Texas)

WEBSITE: http://www.jw.org/ase

Over 1,300 Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, Deaf-Blind and Hearing individuals from 8 states are expected to attend a special three-day convention beginning Friday, August 10, at the Denton, Texas, Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

The convention theme is “Be Courageous!” and is one of 11 conventions in the United States hosted this summer by Jehovah’s Witnesses and presented in American Sign Language. Lively talks and interviews will show practical ways to face present and future challenges with courage. Multimedia segments will depict what real people – and even animals – can teach us about courage. On Sunday morning, a heartwarming Bible discourse will be presented on the theme, “The Resurrection Hope Imparts Courage – How?” In the afternoon, a feature film will highlight “The Story of Jonah, A Lesson in Courage and Mercy”

A complete program schedule and a special video invitation to the convention is presented in American Sign Language at: https://www.jw.org/ase/jehovahs-witnesses/conventions/

A special public service announcement available to television stations around the world, and translated in American Sign Language, can be seen at: https://www.jw.org/ase/jehovahs-witnesses/conventions/2018-convention-jw-psa/

There is no admission fee. Conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses are supported entirely by voluntary donations.

CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: aslnewsservice@live.com
CONTACT TELEPHONE #: 817-829-3551

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