Hi! My name is Alexandra Elise Barksdale. Everyone calls me “Lexi”.
I was born to David and Kathi On June 2, 1995. I have Charge syndrome. I have Colobomas on my optic nerve but I have pretty good vision. I am profoundly deaf so I use sign language and a calendar system. I have had many surgeries. You can look at the Texas Chargers website for more information about Charge. There are lots of pictures of me and all my friends! http://www.TexasChargers.org
I have three siblings Victoria, Cole and Dawson. They are great! We live in Salado, Texas.
I am very curious and like to learn new things. I love the water! Swimming is so much fun. I am very sweet and love to cuddle! Some people would say that I am spoiled. I have been known to throw a pretty good fit every now and then. If I could communicate better I would not get so frustrated!
I am growing and need a well trained Intervener to help me learn new skills. I can sign many words but want to improve my communication skills. My parents are very busy and need full time and a part time person to help take care of me. I am on the DBMD Waiver. Feel free to call my mom with any questions: 325-456-6591 or email kathi@centex.net Hope to hear from you soon!
Lexi Barksdale (written by my mom)