Free Application for Driver Identification Visor Card from HHSC

Free Application for Driver Identification Visor Card from HHSC

Texas Deaf/Hard of Hearing Driver Visor Card

The Office for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services has a Driver Identification Program (DIdP) from which persons with a Texas valid driver license who are deaf or hard of hearing can obtain a free visor card to show police officers if/when you are pulled over for a traffic stop. If you are pulled over, give the Officer your Visor Card, proof of insurance and driver license. The cards give tips on how to communicate better with you.

There are two card options (Driver is Deaf – uses sign language or Driver has Hearing Loss).

If your driver license shows that you are deaf or hard of hearing (Restriction = S), then you only need to make a copy of your valid driver license (front only), complete the top section of the application (see link below to print an application) and mail into DHHS.

If your driver license does not show an “S” restriction, then complete the top portion of the application, get the bottom portion completed application certified by your Audiologist or Physician saying that your hearing loss is sufficient enough to possibly impede communication during a traffic stop, provide a copy of the front of your valid Texas driver license and mail into DHHS (see link below to print an application).

To view the SAMPLE:

Form 3955, Application for Driver Identification Visor Card provided by Texas Health and Human Services



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