HHSC Listening Session 11/13/19 – Laredo, Texas

HHSC Listening Session 11/13/19 – Laredo, Texas

In the 2020 inaugural business plan, Blueprint for a Healthy Texas (PDF), HHS outlines key priorities and initiatives for the coming year. One initiative in the business plan is improving independence and positive outcomes for people with disabilities.


This year, HHS is developing an action plan to improve the system and delivery of services for Texans with physical, intellectual or developmental disabilities. Working closely with internal and external partners around the state, HHS will identify opportunities to improve agency coordination to make it easier for individuals, families and providers to navigate the HHS system for disability services. This plan will drive initiatives for the next several years to improve services for people with disabilities with the supports necessary to thrive in the setting of their choice.

HHS is coordinating efforts for the action plan with related agency reports affecting aspects of the disability services continuum, including:

  • A strategic plan to address community attendant workforce issues (Rider 157)
  • The Intellectual and Developmental Disability Strategic Plan
  • A review of interest lists maintained for Medicaid 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services waiver programs serving people with disabilities (Rider 42)
  • A long-range plan to address the needs of people receiving services at state supported living centers, as well as other people with IDD or behavioral health needs, including an assessment of repurposing vacant or unused SSLC buildings and other resources to support SSLC residents (Rider 110)

Please contact Medical_and_Social_Services@hhsc.state.tx.us (Email address) with any questions or ideas regarding the action plan.

Listening Sessions


As the first step in developing the disability services action plan, HHS staff will be meeting with Texans around the state to gain insight from client and provider experiences and challenges navigating HHS, as well as opportunities to improve. Upcoming public meetings will be posted on this website as they are scheduled, including:

Houston – Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Dallas/Fort Worth – Monday, October 28, 2019
Laredo – Wednesday, November 13, 2019
El Paso – date to be announced
Tyler – date to be announced
Lubbock – date to be announced

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