January 30, 1939 – January 29, 2022
In Loving Memory of Mary Lynch Van Manen
January 30, 1939 – January 29, 2022
Memorial Service
Saturday, February 19, 2022, 2:00pm
Zoom Memorial Services
Meeting ID: 821 0285 6466
Passcode: 496457
Order of Service
Chairman…………………………………………Joid De Hoyos
Opening Song……………………………………..He Will Call (151)
Opening Prayer……………………………………Henry Rojas, Jr.
Reflections of Mary’s Life…………………………Tony Roberts
Memorial Discourse………………………………..Craig Woolcott
Closing Song……………………………………..See Yourself When All is New (139)
Closing Prayer……………………………………Craig Woolcott
Interpreters……………………………………..Mike Iwuchukwu and Randy Thuesen
Reflections of Mary’s Life
On January 30,1939, in Sibley, MS a beautiful baby girl was born to the late James Fleming and Margaret Thompson Lynch whom they named Mary Lynch. Mary was the first child born to this union.
Mary attended the Mississippi School for the Deaf, completed her 9th grade year and then transferred to a private High School in Jackson, MS with no interpretive services provided. Due to Mary’s strong family upbringing and self-determination, she was able to press forward in her educational pursuits and took a college entrance exam. Once she learned that she passed, she forfeited her 12th grade year to directly enter Gallaudet (College) University in Washington, D.C.
While at Gallaudet, Mary participated in track meets with hearing college athletes. In 1961, she was selected to participate in the Deaf World Games in Helsinki, Finland. In August of 1963, Mary and fellow American Deaf Olympians were invited to the White House to meet President John F. Kennedy.
Mary was also involved in many organizations in college, she was the former Woman’s Athletic Association secretary, corresponding secretary of Gallaudet Chapter of American Home Economics Association. Mary graduated in 1964 with a Bachelor of Science in Home Economics and Education.
Mary began her teaching career at the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind for 8 years. She also taught at the Texas School for the Deaf in Austin, TX as a vocational teacher for 1 year. When she moved to Houston she was employed with the Houston Independent School District, where she taught at the elementary level in the subjects of Science, Health, Social Studies, and Mathematics. Mary was also an adjunct professor at Houston Community College where she taught English as a Second Language(ESL) to deaf students and American Sign Language in the Interpreter Training Program.
During the 8 years in Florida, Mary started studying the bible with Jehovah’s Witnesses and symbolized her dedication in Jacksonville, FL in 1969. She truly enjoyed learning about Jehovah and his kingdom and was raising her 2 children with the knowledge of God’s Kingdom in the Bible.
After 44 years of selfless services to the educational needs of the Deaf, Mary decided to retire from teaching in 2010. But even upon retirement she never lost her drive for teaching. So, to continue her passion for education, she engaged in the full-time volunteer ministry work.
Mary is preceded in death by her parents, James F. and Margaret T. Lynch, her sister Mamie E. Lynch, and nephews Cornelius Lytane Rice and Carlos Rene’ Johnson.
She leaves to mourn, her son Rodney C. Van Manen (Jamie) of Houston, TX; daughter Rona-Margaret Lightfoot (Derick) of Richmond, TX; grandchildren, Kamryn B. Lightfoot, Morgan R. Lightfoot, Kennedy G. Lightfoot, Marshall J. Lightfoot, Tyler J. Davis, Kelly Jo Davis; sisters, Polly Rice (Willie) of Jackson, MS; Ollie Davis (James) of Oakland, CA; Roberta Davis of Little Rock, AR; Mattie L. Phipps of Vidalia, LA; Pearlie Yarborough (Edison) of Brunswick, GA and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, spiritual family and friends.
What is it that makes a family truly unique and inseparable?
One that can survive any storm that passes its way?
F – Friendship:
The Bible speaks of a friend who sticks closer than a brother (sister). A friend that shows love all the time.
To have both a brother (sister) and friend is surely a blessing. (Proverbs 17:17; 18:24)
A – Affection:
Gives you the ability to accept each other for who they are. No matter how great or small their accomplishments may be. Because they, too come from a heart of love. (1st Peter 4:8)
M – Mom:
She is that person who sets the finest examples, which touches the hearts and souls of her children. In turn it gives them the forethought to forgive, forget, and continue putting up with each other. (Colossians 3:13)
I – Interaction:
In spite of one’s difference of opinion or feeling, you are able to accomplish any task. Why? Your unbreakable and mutual love for mom and each other. (Romans 12:3)
L – Love:
The perfect bond of union. Without love, no family can survive and stay together. (Colossians 3:14)
Y – You:
Yes, you are special. Without you the family would lack its unique flavor and spice. (Galatians 6:4)
This is the kind of family that I have, I am truly blessed. I thank Jehovah for having you as my mom, brother, and sister. I love you all from the bottom of my heart.
Love Always,
Thanks to My Family
‘Forever in Our Hearts’
Please accept our appreciation for all your loving support given in so many ways. Thanks especially for all the prayers offered on our behalf.
Neptune Society – American Most Trusted Cremation Services
With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The formers things have passed away.” (Revelation 21: 3, 4)
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