Southwestern Regional Black Deaf Advocates
Virtual Conference
Conference Theme: “20/20 Vision” We Can
July 22 & 23 2022
Dallas, Texas
Daymond Sands, CCC Entrepreneur Entertainer
Norma Castillo, TAD President, “Advocacy” workshop
Ritchie R. Bryant, RID President, “Monetizing Your Black ASL and Black Deaf Stories” workshop
Read their biographies (see below)
Workshops approved for .1 – ‘G’. BEI CEUs
Early Bird Registration
March 11 – June 17, 2022
Member $50.00
Combo Registration
May 31 – July 17, 2022
Member $60.00
Early Bird Registration
March 11 – June 17, 2022
Non-Member $55.00
Combo Registration
May 31 – July 17, 2022
Non-Member $65.00
For Ticket Information
Bank check, money order or cashier’s check accepted (Below: To fill out a form )
To use Zelle: Our Email is dfwbdavirtualconf@gmail.com
Memo: Your full name and email address
For more information, please contact
Bill Taylor, Chairperson at Vicepresidentdbda@gmail.com or
Michelle Welch, Treasurer at Treasurerdbda@gmail.com
**Be on the Lookout for more announcements coming soon!
The Biographies
My name is Daymond Sands, I am born and raised in Dallas, Tx. I identify myself as Deaf, African American, and male. I owned two business. I am photographer for 14 years. You can find me at jump over the moon at D on Facebook business page. I am entrepreneur of television show, click click and crop, and currently running for another season 4. I am known surrounding by my family and friends that my personality shows out and I’m funny as Madea on Tyler Perry’s movie. In my free time, I like to chill and watch some Netflix binges that I would like to catch up with the world and sleep!
Hola!! I’m Norma Castillo, your current TAD president and the first Hispanic woman to serve as TAD’s President! Here’s my short Bio to help you know who am I, how I got involved in TAD, and what are TAD’s plans for 2021-2023.
Who am I? I was born in Harlingen, TX and grew up in San Antonio. After finding out at 2 years old, my family moved to San Antonio in order to receive good education and receive speech therapy. After being in public school with no sign language interpreter, I’ve asked my parents to send me to deaf school. So, I’ve attended and graduated at MSSD. I’m a proud alumnus of MSSD. After graduating from MSSD, and I went to Gallaudet for a short time and then attended San Antonio College. I’ve worked as an Advocate ever since high school. I was a former deaf president for the deaf club in San Antonio called NEAD – NorthEast Association of the Deaf, and also DAW – Deaf Awareness Week. I’ve gained so much knowledge about Civil Rights and education laws as an advocate and case manager at SCHI – Southwest Center of Higher Independence. I have a huge passion to advocate on behalf of my deaf community in San Antonio for those who desperately need help. I work 2 jobs as Deaf Interpreter and Job Coach. I’m a proud mom of 2 boys. They’re 24 and 7 years old. I’m also a grandma of 2 beautiful grand- daughters – Isabella, 5 years old, and Mia, 2 years old. My boys and granddaughters are my life. I love them to pieces.
When I first heard of TAD…I was curious and wanted to get involved in some TAD committee positions but I had an unexpected pregnancy and had to focus on me and my ‘lil one. Now that he’s older, I’m happy to be back with TAD. Our former president Mike Swoboda contacted me if I was interested in becoming a Regional Representative (RR) for my area so I jumped right in. It’s been a good experience for me the 2 past years and I’ve enjoyed it a lot.
What are TAD’s plans for 2021-2023? TAD wants to reach out to all the 253 counties in Texas in all the different regions – we have five (5) TAD regions in Texas. Our goal is to bring forward some bills to the legislature at the Capitol in Austin. We plan to have several town hall meetings so we can address deaf concerns in different communities such as issues with interpreter agencies & discrimination in the schools. We want to have 5 Regional Town Hall meetings across Texas, and hopefully, COVID will not prevent this from happening.
I’m open to hearing from all of you about what you want to see happening for the Deaf Community in Texas.
Ritchie R. Bryant is a dynamic, native American Sign Language (ASL) user and a culturally Deaf Texan. Currently working as a staff interpreter at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC. Ritchie has been presenting ASL/Deaf-related workshops for the past twenty years. Trained as an ASL mentor and ASLPI/SLPI evaluator, he used to train Deaf people to become ASL mentors for signers in the Rochester community under the Community Interpreter Grant. Ritchie obtained a bachelor’s degree in ASL degree from Gallaudet University and a master’s degree in Deaf Education from McDaniel College. He is also a certified Deaf interpreter who has been interpreting in the Deaf community since 2000. He served on the RID board as Deaf Member at Large from 2015 to 2017 and currently serving as a President for the term 2021-2023. He provided a consultant to various organizations and agencies such as the development of Deaf interpreter evaluation for remote ASL mentor programs. His interests include developing African American storytelling within the Deaf community, and video editing on his computer.
To Fill out Form
Date ____________
Full Name____________________________________________________
Full Name_________________________________________________________
State ______________ Zip Code ________________
Vp number_____________________ Text _______________
E-mail Address____________________________________________________
E-mail Address____________________________________________________
How Many Tickets?__
Non-Refundable Payment
$50.00 dollars – March 11 to June 17 (member) Date revised because of CEU approval
$60.00 dollars – May 31 to July 17 (member)
$55.00 dollars – March 11 to June 17 (non-member) Date revised because of CEU approval
$65.00 dollars – May 31 to July 17 (non-member)
Total Amount Enclosed:_
Bank Check # _
Money Order # __
Pay/Mail To:
Dallas Black Deaf Advocates, Chapter 15
ATTN: Michelle Welch, Treasurer
P.O. Box 222223
Dallas, TX 75222