Fiesta Especial® by disABILITYsa is a unique and exciting program for children and adults, ages 10 and up with all types of cognitive, physical and sensory disabilities that incorporates community-based instruction and training within the context of Fiesta®…a celebration of heritage, culture and diversity for San Antonio and surrounding communities.
The Fiesta Especial® Royal Court leadership and life skills development program provides an opportunity for individuals to work on communication, socialization, leadership, self-advocating, problem solving and planning skill sets. It is a year-long program that begins in September and runs through the end of April.
The Fiesta Especial® Royal Court program offers once-in-a-lifetime experiences, life changing moments, self-discovery, skill strengthening and development, new friends, community awareness and more all tied up with a tremendous celebration. Each participant becomes a part of a community that distinguishes achievements, recognizes diversity and provides a platform for giving back and contributing to the local community which supports our program participant’s day in and day out.
In order to enroll, you must complete the mandatory program orientation: please visit this link http://www.fiestaespecial.com/program-orientation.html
For more information on the program, please visit http://www.fiestaespecial.com/
For more info: Lisa Santoyo at lisa@disabilitysa.org