TSD Board Regarding Superintendent Finalist – Deadline 3/31/23 at 5:00 PM

Dear TSD Parents, Students, and Community Members,

Thank you so much for welcoming our Superintendent finalists, Stella Egbert and Peter Bailey to TSD. Our six Meet and Greet Events for the candidates were well attended with between 50-75 people attending in person and between 150 and 175 folks participating online. The TSD Board greatly appreciates your passion and commitment to our school. Thanks you to all the folks that worked tirelessly on the logistics of these Meet and Greets and for all the information shared via the TSD website and social media. I would be remiss if I did not also thank Stella and Peter for allowing us the opportunity to get to know them better in a more informal setting.

Superintendent Finalists Feedback Form

Link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5VCHLMN

I would like to advise you that the deadline for submitting your finalist feedback forms is 5:00 PM, Friday March 31, 2023. The Board looks forward to hearing from you.

With appreciation,

Shawn P. Saladin
TSD Governing Board President

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