Community Workshop
Deaf Seniors of Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex
Chris McKenize, President/CEO
Deaf Employment and Advocacy
Mr. Chris McKenize is the president of DeafBridge and Deaf Employment and Advocacy. He is a Deaf entrepreneur and resides in Weatherford, TX. He founded an organization DeafBridge in 2019. DeafBridge is a nonprofit charity organization serving the Deaf and training leaders in Eastern Europe and Central & Western Asia through service, education, and advocacy. DeafBridge has supported the Deaf work in Ukraine for several years and previously lived and worked in Chernivtsi, Ukraine. He will share his rich experience with us.
Saturday, September 9, 2023, 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
DSDFWM Community Workshop.
Dallas Association of the Deaf
4215 Maple Ave.
Dallas, TX 75219
At the left picture, (flyer) Chris is a humanitarian who provides his assistance to all humans to reduce suffering and improve the conditions of humanity for moral, unselfish, and emotional reasons. The humans who are Deaf people of all ages, both abled and disabled, and seniors, too, shall deserve respect and dignity and pursuit of a meaningful life. Furthermore, Chris helps Deaf people about how to properly prepare for different types of disaster.
For information, contact Teresa Eckstein, coordinator of DSDFWM Community Workshop Committee, at [email protected] or VP 469.296.4884
Let’s have a very enjoyable day and educational experience with us as we begin a new life and a new era.
Come join us!