SPECIAL BULLETIN Deaf Seniors of Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex Community Workshop SATURDAY, February 22, 2020 10:00 am-12:00 noon Topic: “Social Security Benefit Updates” Mr. Hamid Hajebian is Licensed Professional Counselor and owns HH Employment Training for the Deaf (Tickets to…
Tag: Deaf Seniors of Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex
DSDFWM Community Workshop 9/26/19 – DFW
Deaf Seniors of Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex Community Workshop Thursday September 26, 2019 10:00 am – 12:00 noon Topic: “Accessibility Issues for the Deaf” Bobby Fisher, certified freelancing interpreter and CODA, owns and operates his interpreting agency in the DFW…
3rd Annual DSDFWM Holiday Luncheon 12/6/18 – DFW
DEAF SENIORS OF THE DFW METROPLEX presents DSDFWM THIRD ANNUAL HOLIDAY LUNCHEON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2018 11:00 AM TO 3:00 PM Location: Ferrari’s Italian Villa & Chop House 1200…
Deaf Seniors of DFW Metroplex Meeting 10/6/18
MOVING FORWARD We blinked our eyes and It’s now the fall season with leaves fluttering down, spiraling and twirling into piles on ground. It’s also time for our monthly event! Read on! Deaf Seniors of DFW Metroplex Saturday, October 6,…
Deaf Seniors of DFW Metroplex Meeting, Lunch & Social 1/13/18
Deaf Seniors of DFW Metroplex Meeting, Lunch & Social 1/13/18 Deaf Seniors of Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex DSDFWM What: General Meeting, lunch, and social gathering Date: Saturday, January 13, 2018 Time: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Where: Meadows Conference Center/Oak…
Maya at Perot Museum Deaf Day 2017 – DFW
Hosted by Deaf Seniors of Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex DSDFWM: Maya Tuesday, August 22, 2017 Perot Museum of Nature & Science MAYA: HIDDEN WORLDS REVEALED Event Summary Uncover a world buried over time, in Maya; Hidden Worlds Revealed. 200 artifacts,…