UDIS Wants You! WANTED: Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Hearing, Sign Language Teachers, Teachers, Special Education Teachers, Sign Language Interpreters, Employment counselors for the deaf and hard of hearing, Vocational Educators, Speech-Language Pathologist, Audiologist, & Childcare Providers (who specialize in working…
Tag: Dee mathes
Reserve your spot today and serves in Belize!
Reserve your spot today and serves in Belize! UDIS (United Deaf International Services) May 10-19, 2014 Age Group: Jr. Sr. High, Adult, & Families Work/Service Projects *Teachers Workshop *ASL Music Workshop *Classroom ASL Story Time *Parents ASL Workshop *Bible Study…
UDIS – Belize Trip Information
UDIS – Belize Trip Information United Deaf International Services (UDIS) Sign Up Now! Belize: May 10, 2014 through May 19, 2014 Projects: School Classroom Painting Teacher Workshops: Needs of deaf & HOH in the classroom, … interpreter classroom basics Interpreting…
Here is the UDIS’s schedule for 2014 & Please Support UDIS
Here is the UDIS's schedule for 2014 & Please Support UDIS United Deaf International Services Join us on a service mission trip. Are you looking for adventure and personal growth. Are you wanting to do something that benefits someone else?…
Would you like to take an Adventure?
Would you like to take an Adventure? Would you like to Serve the Deaf? Join us on a Service Mission to one of our destinations for 2014 Haiti: March 8th through March 16th Belize: May 10th through May 19th Honduras:…
2014 Service Mission Trip Announcement
2014 Service Mission Trip Announcement Are you ready to serve? Adults, Families, Teens, Deaf, HOH, and hearing are all welcome to join us in an exciting adventure of service to others. We are so excited to announce UDIS (United Deaf…