When Paying it Forward Pays: Image Microsystems’ CSR Case Study 3p Contributor August 18th, 2011 By Ian Edwards For companies committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR), there is a belief that all those good deeds will be rewarded…
Tag: dell
Announcing the launch of: Purple VRS for Android™
Announcing the launch of: Purple VRS for Android™ Inbound…Outbound…Easier Calls… Anywhere…Anyplace…Anytime… Watch the video here! http://www.purple.us/android?0120110302DNetwk01 Try it today by going to the Android Market. http://market.android.com/details?id=us.purple.purplevrs __________________________________________ Available on these popular Android…
Get a Purple Netbook for yourself! It’s on SALE!
Greetings Texans, You have seen our Purple netbook everywhere… Even your friends or family are talking about it. It’s time for you to get in touch with our representative and discuss if this communication tool is right for you. The…