ACCESS News: Professor Robert Jensen, Controversy, Journalism, and Thinking Activist, Author, and Professor of Journalism Robert Jensen Sunday, Nov. 18th at 1:00 PM on KLRU-PBS AUSTIN, TX – Join us this Sunday when Tamara and Professor Robert Jensen from the…
ACCESS News: HISTORY comes alive with Professor Andres Tijerina
ACCESS News: HISTORY comes alive with Professor Andres Tijerina Activist, Author, and Professor, Andres Tijerina, brings history alive Sunday, Nov. 4th at 1:00 pm on KLRU-PBS America’s troubled past, Discrimination, Voter Intimidation . . . and much more AUSTIN, TX…
ACCESS News: Law Professor Sanford Levinson
ACCESS News: Guest this week is Law Professor Sanford Levinson Professor Sanford Levinson, renowned Constitutional scholar and Author is our special guest Sunday, Oct. 28th at 1:00 pm on KLRU-PBS Mass murders and the 2nd Amendment . . . My…
ACCESS News: Guest this week is Austin Chief of Police, Art Acevedo
ACCESS News: Guest this week is Austin Chief of Police, Art Acevedo Art Acevedo, Austin Chief of Police, is our special guest Sun, October 21st at 1:00 pm on KLRU-PBS When are police officers allowed to break the law? Are…
ACCESS News: Texas State Representative Donna Howard (HD 48)
Texas State Rep, Donna Howard is our special guest this week on ACCESS News Have you met your State Representative? What issues concern you most in Texas? Healthcare? Education? Taxes? Something else? Do you know what goes on in the…
ACCESS News: Texas Secretary of State Esperanza “Hope” Andrade
ACCESS News: Texas Secretary of State Esperanza “Hope” Andrade Our special guest this week on ACCESS News is Texas Secretary of State Esperanza “Hope” Andrade Are you registered to vote? Your vote counts. America is counting on YOU! Hope Esperanza…