Tag: National Institutes of Health

NIH study seeks to improve quality-of-life measure for D/HH people

NIH study seeks to improve quality-of-life measure for deaf and hard-of-hearing people Release Date: March 28, 2016 Contact: Susan Gawlowicz 585-475-5061 / smguns@rit.edu NIH study seeks to improve quality-of-life measure for deaf and hard-of-hearing people RIT leads $1.6 million study…

Website launched to help D/HH students earn graduate degrees

Website launched to help D/HH students earn graduate degrees Release Date: June 6, 2014 Contact: Greg Livadas 585-475-6217 or Greg.Livadas@rit.edu Website launched for program that helps deaf and hard-of-hearing students earn graduate degrees Rochester Bridges to the Doctorate program has…

Federal Grant Supports NMSU Research Aimed At Improving Education For Deaf Students – New Mexico

Federal Grant Supports NMSU Research Aimed At Improving Education For Deaf Students By KRWG NEWS AND PARTNERS New Mexico State University’s Communication Disorders Program is partnering on a $2.3 million research project to pinpoint the types of teaching and services…