Tag: Texas School for the Deaf

PRESS RELEASE: Student Art Transformed Into Mural at Music Lane

JOINT NEWS RELEASE MEDIA CONTACTS: Mallory Miller 512-757-6804 mallory@turnbreidgeeq.com Keena Miller 512-658-4444 Keena.miller@tsd.state.tx.us FOR RELEASE SEPTEMBER 26, 2023: In Celebration of Deaf Awareness, Music Lane’s Inaugural Installation of New Public Art Project Transforms Student Work Into Mural colorful squares and…

PRESS RELASE: Celebrate Deaf Awareness & Give Back to Texas School for the Deaf

SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF PRESS RELEASE Contact: Keena Miller 512-462-5328, cell: 512-658-4444 Keena.miller@tsd.state.tx.us FOR RELEASE SEPTEMBER 25, 2023 Celebrate Deaf Awareness & Give Back to Texas School for the Deaf September 25 – 29, 2023 Austin, Texas – September 25,…

PRESS RELEASE: Peter L. Bailey Assumes Role as Superintendent of Texas School for the Deaf

TEXAS SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF PRESS RELEASE Contact: Gabriel Cardenas 512-462-5372 Gabriel.Cardenas@tsd.state.tx.us FOR RELEASE September 1, 2023 Succeeding Claire Bugen’s 48+ Year Tenure, Peter L. Bailey Assumes Role as Superintendent of Texas School for the Deaf Austin, Texas – September…