Rattlers Athletics 64th Men’s & 18th Women’s Annual Regional Basketball Tournament March 3-5, 2011 Note: Check downloadable files for additional details (see below) SouthWest Basketball Association of the Deaf Hosted by SWCID Community College for Deaf & Hard of Hearing…
Tag: women
UPDATED: DFW D/HH Women Basketball Wanted 2010-2011
UPDATED: DFW D/HH Women Basketball Wanted 2010-2011 D/HH Women Basketball Wanted – DFW If you are interested to be part of exciting team – we need more players! Date: Starting December 5, 2010 till March 2011 Deaf and Hard of…
Global Deaf Women: Don’t wait.. take a break!
Don’t wait.. take a break! Watch video! Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RbVMOAmbn8 Hello Ladies, Global Deaf Women team made beautiful slides for women why they should take a break and enjoy the quality time with women. It is your moment to awaken…
REMINDER: Fabulous Female Expo 2010 – DFW
REMINDER: Fabulous Female Expo 2010 – DFW It’s Back!!!! FABULOUS FEMALE EXPO People can register on site Saturday morning. Eight (8) interpreters have been arranged, donated their time for a great cause. Workshops for parents and female students grades 6th…
Global Deaf Women is in your town!
Global Deaf Women is in your town! What: Who are Global Deaf Women and What Is it It for You? Why you should go? Come and Find out how you will be able to Connect, Exchange and Grow around the…
Women’s Network: Doing What You Love – Austin
Women’s Network: Doing What You Love WEBSITE: http://www.globaldeafwomen.com/events Save the Date on your Calendar for Global Deaf Women’s Network: “Doing What You Love” in Austin! Are You Doing What You Love? Come and share your story! It’d be filled with…