NAD Looks at the Past and Envisions the Future – Through Deaf Eyes

National Association of the Deaf
NAD Looks at the Past and Envisions the Future — Through Deaf Eyes
A News Release from the National Association of the Deaf

Release Date: March 20, 2007
Contact: Anita B. Farb

Silver Spring, MD — The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) is pleased to be an outreach partner for Through Deaf Eyes , the first comprehensive film about deaf history that will be broadcast nationally on March 21, 2007, at 9 p.m. (EST), on the Public Broadcasting System (PBS). Check local listings for your area.

Through Deaf Eyes is a two-hour documentary exploring nearly 200 years of deaf life in America. The film presents the shared experiences of American history — family life, education, work, and community connections — from the perspective of deaf citizens. Interviews include community leaders, historians, and deaf Americans with diverse views on language use, technology and identity. Bringing a deaf cinematic lens to the film are six artistic works by deaf media artists and filmmakers.

“This groundbreaking documentary encourages respect and understanding of the rich history, culture, and contributions of the deaf community,” said Bobbie Beth Scoggins, president of the National Association of the Deaf. “Through Deaf Eyes also highlights the work of the NAD since 1880, and our focus on issues such as American Sign Language in educational settings, employment opportunities, and telecommunications access.”

Scoggins also said that the documentary does not hold back any punches; it is powerful in all of its messages. Perhaps the strongest message is that American Sign Language continues to be the thread that runs through deaf history and how its presence or absence has impacted and continues to impact lives.

“Looking back into our history — American history, deaf history, and NAD history — there are parts that are painful. We make no excuses, only apologies and commitment to change, for things that cannot be justified, even when they happened decades ago.” This reference by Scoggins is to the first half of the 20th century, during which time the NAD did not accept people of color as members. Scoggins continued, “The NAD is open and inclusive in its membership, Board of Directors, staff, programs and overall efforts to promote, protect, and preserve the rights and quality of life of all deaf and hard of hearing individuals in the United States. We continue to strive to improve all that we do.”

Through Deaf Eyes is powerful in its message that the work of the NAD must continue to ensure the brightest future possible for current and future generations of deaf Americans.

About the NAD
The National Association of the Deaf (NAD), founded in 1880, safeguards the civil rights of deaf and hard of hearing Americans. As a national federation of state associations, individual members, and organizational and corporate affiliates, the advocacy work of the NAD encompasses a broad spectrum of areas including, but not limited to, accessibility, education, employment, healthcare, mental health, rehabilitation, technology, telecommunications, and transportation. The NAD website ( has a wealth of advocacy information and resources.

For more information about the National Association of the Deaf, please send email to the “Contact Person” identified at the top of the release. For additional information about Through Deaf Eyes, go to:

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