Easter Party
DATE: April 7, 2007
TIME: 1 pm to 5 pm
907 Slaughter ln
Austin, Texas
We will have easter party from 1 to 5 pm. we will have food.. i ask everybody to bring pot luck or a dozen of eggs so we can hid them for kids to find them. there will be some money in ONE plastic egg for kids.
we will use a plastic egg for adult to find it which is 25 dollars inside.
we will have some games for prizes. for kids there will be pinata…
please bring pot luck or a dozen of eggs. i appreciate your help.
please RSVP so we can figure out how much eggs and food we can bring pot luck too.
this party is really from Deafcode.com that i host the party… Deafcode hosts asked me to host for austin so here i am.
DeafCode is for everyone anyone and families who knows asl…..
the host of Deafcode.com for austin
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