Please support The HLAA Fall Walk4Hearing

Hello, all

I would like to invite all of you to support the Hearing Loss Association of America Fall Walk4Hearing. There will be 6 Fall walks. I have supplied links below to access information on the various walks. They will be in Chicago, Houston, Odessa/Permian Basin, TX, New England, North Texas and the National Capital Area.

If there is a walk near you, sign up to walk yourself and bring a team of family and friends. If one is not near you, find a friend that is walking in some of the walks and support the friend by making a donation on the friend’s walk site page.

In many instances, you can designate the local share of the money to a state association or office. If you are interested in supporting the American Academy of Audiology Foundation, the local share of the donation can be designated for the AAA Foundation. The national share of the money goes to support programs and services of the Hearing Loss Association of America at its headquarters in Bethesda, MD.

If you are not familiar with what HLAA does for all of us with a hearing loss, visit


They are there for us 24/7 whether we belong to the organization or not. This is a remarkable organization and does so much to make life better for people with hearing loss. We need to support it and insure it is there for us in the future.

There are always going to be conflicts for our time. Here in North Texas, the TX AGBell chapter is having its biennial state conference in Dallas on the same weekend we are having our Walk4Hearing event. But, people can still support both. It is not an either/or proposition.

If you can walk with us, we appreciate it. But, if you can’t, you can still set up a web page and help raise funds and awareness for HLAA. We want to make the general public as aware of the trials and obstacles of hearing loss as they are of other debilitating conditions. Hearing loss is not trivial. Our mission is to:

Help”…make hearing loss an issue of national concern.” –Rocky Stone, Founder (1925-2004)

Please join me in this endeavor by visiting the sites below and signing on to helping in some way. Make a donation or sign up to solicit funds for us and/or walk with us..

Any donation is greatly appreciated and will do useful work in the local communities and on the national level as well.

Click here to visit my personal page. (All Fall Walks) (NTX Walk page)

Many thanks,
Tommie Wells

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