CSD of Texas Expands Presence, Adds Hearing Loss Resource Specialist

Press Announcement Release Date: February 13, 2008

CSD of Texas Expands Presence, Adds Hearing Loss Resource Specialist

AUSTIN, TX (February 13, 2008) —– Thanks to funding from the
Office for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services of the Department of
Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, CSD of Texas has become an
even greater resource for hard of hearing, late-deafened and oral
deaf people by adding another Hearing Loss Resource Specialist (HLRS)
for the region. The State of Texas currently provides funding for 11

Sara Filippone is the new HLRS hired by CSD, and will be working out
of the San Antonio office.

In her new position, Filippone will assist persons who are hard of
hearing and late-deafened by providing sensitivity training to
service providers as well as consumers. Services are individualized
and include one-on-one training or group presentations on topics such
as communication strategies, specialized assistive devices and
services provided by the state and local agencies. Also provided may
be assessment of modifications necessary in employment or classroom
settings to enable successful participation by the individual with
hearing loss. As an HLRS, she will help locate resources to ensure
independence in the workplace, classroom, home and community.

We applaud the State of Texas for expanding its hearing loss
presence, for recognizing the need of its constituents in respect to
its continually growing hard of hearing population, said Ben Soukup,
CSD chief executive officer. CSD of Texas looks forward to working
with more hard of hearing, late-deafened and oral deaf consumers and
providing them access to the resources they deserve.

For more information about CSD of Texas, the new position and how CSD
can better serve you, contact Kent Kennedy, CSD of Texas state
director, via e-mail at [email protected]

, by phone at (800) 737-1932 or by videophone at kkennedy.csd.tv.

About CSD  CSD (aka Communication Service for the Deaf, Inc.) was
established in 1975, primarily to provide sign language interpreting
services to deaf and hard of hearing adults in South Dakota. Today,
CSD employs over 2,000 individuals in offices across the nation,
providing a broad continuum of social and human services programs, as
well as telecommunications relay services. CSD is a private nonprofit
agency dedicated to providing quality services; ensuring public
accessibility; and increasing awareness of issues affecting the deaf,
hard of hearing and individuals with speech disabilities. For more
information, please visit http://www.c-s-d.org

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