Subjects Needed for American Sign Language Perception Study
August 10 through October 30, 2009
ADDRESS: Center for Clinical Neurosciences,
housed at The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR)
at 1333 Moursund Avenue, Houston, TX 77030
I am looking for Deaf Adults and Interpreter volunteers for my neuroimaging study on ASL recognition. If you have time to come into the Texas Medical Center in the next few weeks, please email me as soon as possible ([email protected])! I will schedule an appointment and confirm with you.
Free parking, snacks and drinks will be provided. You also get to see and receive cool photographs showing your brain at work!
Subjects Needed for American Sign Language Perception Study
You may qualify to participate in this research project as a subject.
Who: Fluent in American Sign Language, between the ages of 18-59
What: The University of Texas is asking you to undergo a MEG recording for research purposes.MEG (Magnetoencephalography) will be used while you are resting on a bed. The MEG involves measuring magnetic fields that are produced from electrical activity in the brain. The MEG does not involve any radiation, x-rays, or anything else that could be considered harmful. It is safe and routinely used by doctors and researchers around the world.
Why: Our research study aims to develop a baseline of brain activity during perception of American Sign Language signs presented in different formats. The goal is to someday develop educational and clinical approaches for learning American Sign Language.
When: At your convenience. The session lasts no longer than 1 hour.
Where: Center for Clinical Neurosciences, housed at The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) at 1333 Moursund Avenue, Houston, TX 77030, Room H114, Phone: 713.797.7570.
RISK/BENEFIT: There is less than minimal risk for study participation. You will not receive any direct health benefit but the information gained may help future learners of American Sign Language.
INCLUDES: Parking will be provided at no charge
Have no history of brain injury or serious illness
Not wear metal braces or jewelry that cannot be removed for the MEG scan
If interested, please email
Raja Kushalnagar at [email protected]