Texas Advanced Leadership and Advocacy Conference 2010

Inform . Involve . Influence

Texas Advanced Leadership and Advocacy Conference 2010


About the Conference

The Texas Advanced Leadership and Advocacy Conference (TALAC) is an annual
conference that aims to build capacity for advocacy and leadership in Texas
through individuals with disabilities, their family members and
professionals in the disability field. TALAC strives to provide training
that enhances the ability of these stakeholders to work together for
improved outcomes. This conference is made possible by a grant awarded to
the Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University by the
Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities (funding: $150,000 /75% TCDD
and $49,773/25% match from Texas A&M).

Conference Goals

• Increase the number of competent leaders and advocates with disabilities
across the state of Texas

• Equip current leaders and advocates with up-to-date knowledge and skills
in the areas of self-advocacy and public policy advocacy

• Provide opportunities to gain experiences for public policy influence

• Build and expand a network of leaders in the disability community for
united efforts in effective advocacy

What to Expect | Conference participants can expect to leave with a renewed
idea of what is possible by identifying methods to successfully promote and
advocate for policy and systems change. They will also be able to define
current legislative issues and will gain knowledge in how to collaboratively
advocate for change alongside local and statewide advocacy organizations.


TALAC will benefit individuals with disabilities, their family members and
professionals in the disability field. Others interested in disability
issues are also encouraged to attend. Participants must: 1) be at least 18
years old, 2) live in Texas and 3) have experience or interest in public
policy advocacy and in assuming a leadership role in local community
activities. Applications will be available online in September 2009.

Fees and Financial Support

A $90 registration fee is the responsibility of the participant. If this fee
is a financial burden, a limited number of needs-based waivers are
available. This fee is refundable if registration is canceled by Monday,
Feb. 15, 2010. Financial support is available for first-time applicants with
a disability or a family member of a person with a disability (for example,
parent, grandparent, sibling or spouse/domestic partner.) Eligible
participants will be provided two-nights’ lodging at the conference hotel
and will be reimbursed for up to $200 in travel expenses (i.e., airfare or
mileage). Others may apply for financial support and will be considered
based on available funds.

Presenters, Vendors and Sponsors

If you are interested in being a keynote speaker (inspirational/informative)
or a workshop instructor, or if you would like to reserve a vendor table or
become a conference sponsor, please contact Jaime Duran, Conference
Coordinator, at 979-845-1884 or talac@tamu.edu.

Online applications and more info at: http://talac.tamu.edu

Submitted by
Tracey Michol
TALAC Project Advisory Committee

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