December 8, 2009
Dear Friends and Colleagues:
On behalf of the National Council on Disability (NCD), it is my pleasure to
invite you to attend NCD’s next quarterly meeting, which will take place at
the JW Marriott Houston, 5150 Westheimer, Houston, Texas, beginning at 8:3
a.m. on Tuesday, January 19, 2010, and ending at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday,
January 21, 2010. This meeting is open to the public.
NCD’s purpose is to promote policies, programs, practices, and procedures
that guarantee equal opportunity for all individuals with disabilities, and
that empower individuals with disabilities to achieve economic
self-sufficiency, independent living, and inclusion and integration into all
aspects of society. To carry out this mandate we gather public and
stakeholder input, including that received at our public meetings held
around the country; review and evaluate federal programs and legislation;
and provide the President, Congress, and federal agencies with advice and
recommendations. NCD is an independent federal agency, composed of 15
members appointed by the President, by and with the consent of the U.S.
NCD believes it is vital to hear from communities around the country on what
works and what does not for people with disabilities. This meeting will
provide another opportunity for that exchange. The agenda will include,
among other things, presentations by the Honorable Kathleen Martinez,
Assistant Secretary of Labor for Disability Employment Policy and Lex
Frieden, Professor of Health Informatics and Professor of Rehabilitation,
University of Texas at Houston; presentations on emergency preparedness and
youth with disabilities in transition; and two releases of NCD research
projects: Workforce Infrastructure in Support of People with Disabilities
and The State of Housing in America in the 21st Century: A Disability
Specific times are also designated to receive public comment, supported by a
toll-free call-in line, and input is encouraged and greatly appreciated.
Individuals or organizations can also provide written comments by e-mail,
fax, or mail. A public comment session will be held Wednesday, January 20,
from 11:30 a.m. until Noon, CST. The toll-free call-in number is (888)
790-6568, and the pass code is “NCD Meeting.” Written comments on
disability-related issues of concern or interest can also be emailed to at any time.
You are also invited to join us for a reception at the hotel for meeting
participants, audience members, and stakeholders from the disability
community on Wednesday, January 20 from noon until 1:30 p.m. Additional
details about the meeting will be posted on the NCD Web site at as soon as they become available. You will also find the
meeting agenda posted there approximately 10 days before the meeting is
scheduled, and written comments for Council consideration can be submitted
at any time by writing to
For more information, please contact NCD’s Director of External Affairs,
Mark S. Quigley, at or by telephone at 202-272-2004 (V),
202-272-2074 (TTY), and please visit our Web site at At
that location you can also sign up to become a member of our extensive
listserv, where you will get frequent updates about NCD activities, reports,
and news of importance to the disability community nationwide.
We hope you will attend and participate.
John R. Vaughn