Austin Interpreters for the Deaf (AID) proudly presents
“Smorgasbord of Numbers”
Presented by Perry Connolly, Lisa Bosson, & Lisa Gelineau
When: Saturday, April 10, 2010
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Austin Community College – South Austin Campus
Multipurpose Room 1130
1820 W. Stassney Lane
Austin, TX 78745
Workshop Description:
The presentation centers around using conceptually accurate ASL to represent
number concepts. Participants will have an understanding of the origin and
evolution of ASL numbers as well as on the fluidity principles usage of
language register and categories of ASL. Interaction will be focused on
categories of numbers, such as cardinal, clock, years and informational
numbers. For further assistance, contact AID Vice President Carrie
Loshelder at or (214) 686-5341.
Cost: $40.00 for 3 Hour Workshop (check all that apply)
-$ 5.00 RID/TSID Member
-$ 5.00 AID
Amount Enclosed: $________ Make checks payable
to: AID
Accommodations Needed:
Sign Language Interpreter Other____________________
Participant Name: __________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
Register soon! Only 45 Seats available!
BEI & RID CEUs Approved
If this workshop is cancelled prior to the scheduled date of 4/10/2010,
participants will receive a full refund.
Print this form and send registration to: AID PO BOX 684694 Austin, TX 78768
TSID is an Approved RID CMP Sponsor for Continuing Education Activities.
Sponsored by ASL Friends United, ASL & Interpreting Student Organization at
Austin Community College
Download flyer and registration form: (PDF format)