Ranch-O-Rama Event by Texas Association of the Deaf (TAD)
Saturday May 8, 2010 at 9 am – 3 pm (see flyer above or downloadable below)
Pioneer Farms
10621 Pioneer Farms
Austin Texas 78754
TAD Ranch-O-Rama in 1800’s setting will have excellent outdoor exhibit space. But we have a limited number of 2X8 tables and chairs, so register early. First come, first served policy applies. There will be about 500 in attendance. Any selling food/drinks are not allowed. Please respond by April
23, 2010.
Name (Title): ____________________________________________________________
Company/Program: _______________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
Phone/VP: _______________________________ _Fax: __________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________
Products/Services exhibited:
* Bring own canopy if you wish
( ) Commercial $100 ______
( ) Non-Profit/State Agency $50 ______
Exhibit Total ______
Email this application to Ronny Taylor at ronnyrtaylor@yahoo.com
Mail check or money order payment to TAD, ATTN: Jo Bienvenu, PO Box 1982, Manchaca, Texas 78652
Deadline: April 23, 2010 Make check or money order payable to: Texas Association of the Deaf Questions? RonnyRTaylor@yahoo.com – Booth Coordinator
Website: http://www.deaftexas.org
Download flyer: (JPG format)
Download TAD-ROR Exhitors/Booth Form (PDF format)