Dallas Deaf Club President’s April 2010 Newsletter

Dallas Deaf Club President’s April 2010 Newsletter

Wow! We are in April already! Whoo! Nice weather so far. I notice it is
windy almost everyday but the weather is nice. I enjoy being under the sun.

Finally the music is blaring inside the Dallas Deaf Clubhouse. I want to
thank Will Monteleone for handling this issue. Now we all can enjoy the
music beating across the barroom and meeting hall.

Scrapbooking Retreat for April 2010 is cancelled tomorrow but Melissa
Schiber will host one more scrapbook event on Saturday, May 8 at 1:00 PM.

Don’t forget we will have CINGO Night on Saturday, April 17, 2010. Doors
open at 7:00 PM and game starts at 8:30 PM. Bring friends and enjoy the

We are hosting more events this month. We are having Crawfish Boil tomorrow
so come on over here at 5:00 PM. Sprint, Public Unility Commission (PUC),
and Texas Association of the Deaf are hosting the town hall meeting here on
Friday, April 23 at 6:30 PM. There will be subs from Subways (first come,
first served) and refreshment (paid by Sprint). On Saturday, April 24, DAD
has a booth at DeafNation Expo in Fort Worth. Please come and visit our

Due to many events overlapping at the end of April, there is no general
meeting. I hope to see you at our next general meeting on Saturday, May 23
at 7:30PM.

I want to remind you that DAD has a website where everyone can check our
upcoming social, activities and events. If you desire to use DAD’s meeting
hall for your party, please contact either me or Steven Whitworth
(swhitworth@dallasdeafclub.org). Please check the event calendar website:

Have a wonderul month!

DADingly yours,
Donna Lide
Email: dlide@dallasdeafclub.org

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