DAW Meeting 6/26/10 – Houston

DAW 2010 Meeting – June 26th 10am – 12pm

Our third meeting of the year to prepare for DAW 2010 will be held at
Houston Community College – San Jacinto Building 2nd floor, Suite L321 from
10am to 12pm. on June 26th (Saturday).

If you are interested in volunteering and assisting please feel free to show
up the meeting, or email us at [email protected]. We’re looking forward
to making 2010 a successful DAW event! And we can’t do it WITHOUT you!

Houston Community College
San Jacinto Building
2nd floor Suite L321
1300 Holman
Houston, Texas 77004
June 26th, 2010
10 am – 12pm

Please email [email protected] for parking decal before Tuesday 6/22/10.

See you folks there!


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