NAD CEO Search Process – Announcement of Finalists

June 18, 2010

NAD CEO Search Process – Announcement of Finalists

>> Click here to view ASL vlog with captions

Hello! I am Bobbie Beth Scoggins, president of the National Association of
the Deaf. This is a special announcement on the CEO Search process, begun
in the summer of 2009 by the NAD Board of Directors.

In October 2009, the Board established an ad hoc CEO Search Committee (CSC)
comprised of eight representatives, including two Board members.

For the next several months, the CSC collected stakeholder feedback and
developed a CEO profile and announcement for Board approval. Once this was
posted, the CSC worked hard to recruit prospects, evaluate initial
applicants, and interview selected individuals.

In the spring of 2010, the CSC completed its charge with submission of the
names of top candidates to the Board with all collected information.

On behalf of the Board, I wish to express our deepest gratitude to the eight
members of the CSC for contributing their valuable time and expertise and
helping to move along the CEO Search.

After careful review and further consideration, the Board is now ready to
release the names of finalists for the CEO position.

This is an exciting time – we are now ”“this close” to selecting a CEO who
will lead national advocacy efforts for our community and will serve a
highly visible spokesperson on many important issues affecting us.

It is now my great pleasure to announce CEO finalists, in alphabetical

Shane H. Feldman
Charity Reedy Hines
Howard A. Rosenblum
Darlene Goncz Zangara

Each of the CEO finalists will give their presentations to the public and
interact with stakeholders at the 50th Biennial NAD Conference which takes
place July 6-10, 2010 in Philadelphia, PA.

Profiles on each of the finalists are now available at, where you can also get in-depth information on the
CEO Search process including vlogs and announcements, timelines, position
description, finalist profiles, frequently asked questions, and related
details. Links:

Transparency is important to us. We want to make sure everyone knows what’s
happening with the CEO Search process. Please help us spread the word –
share this vlog through Facebook, Twitter, and email. Share the news with
your family and friends. If you have comments, you are more than welcome to
contact the NAD Board of Directors at

Again, on behalf of the NAD Board, I want to congratulate each finalist for
reaching this point in the CEO Search process and we express our gratitude
to those who applied or sent in nominations.

We look forward to the Conference and hope to see you with us in

About the NAD
The National Association of the Deaf (NAD) was established in 1880 by deaf
leaders who believed in the right of the American deaf community to use sign
language, to congregate on issues important to them, and to have its
interests represented at the national level. These beliefs remain true to
this day, with American Sign Language as a core value. As a nonprofit
federation, the mission of the NAD is to preserve, protect, and promote the
civil, human, and linguistic rights of deaf and hard of hearing individuals
in the United States of America. The advocacy scope of the NAD is broad,
covering the breadth of a lifetime and impacting future generations in the
areas of early intervention, education, employment, health care, technology,
telecommunications, youth leadership, and more. For details, visit

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