Deaf Positive Interaction Program – 8/3/10
Deaf and Hard of Hearing “Positive Interaction Program”
The presentation will be:
This month our presentation will be:
“Railroad Safety, Advance Warning Signs for the Deaf”.
Officer Jack Hanagriff, will present this informative presentation. Door
Also, if anyone wants to volunteer to make a dish or bring chips or soft
drinks for this meeting, please e-mail me at [email protected]
Woodhaven Church for the Deaf
9920 Long Point
Houston, Texas
WHEN: Tuesday, August 3, 2010 at 7:30 p.m.
Officer James Sobota
City of Houston Police
Hope to see you there.
My TDD # 713-308-9071
Voice # 713-308-9079 Fax # 713-308-9073
E-Mail: [email protected]
For emergency dial 911 – then tap space bar !
Interpreter and captioning provided