Deaf Immersion Night – Houston
Have you wonder what it is like to be a deaf person in a big hearing world?
Come over and you will participate in real life scenario and everything will
be done in ASL, notepad writing and various communication methods –without
using voice. You will be giving notepad and scenario cards. You will have
experience that will give you a great insight and understanding of Deaf
Culture, communication, barriers and other life challenges!
Friday, November 12, 2010
7pm to 9pm
Refreshment will be provided
Registration: $10 at the door
The Lillian Beard Deaf Connection Center
9920 Long Point Rd
Houston, TX 77055
Contact us at [email protected]
If you are interested or have any question
713-467-3325 or 832-413-6266
There will be Voice Cops – Don’t let us catch you using your voice! All
proceeds will be used to support the Lillian Beard Deaf Connection Center to
support deaf programs and services.
We also attached the pdf flyer for your website for them to download. (see
below) Let me know when you have post it.
Download flyer: (PDF format)