Message from DAD President – February 2011

Message from DAD President – February 2011

Hello to all members and friends of DAD

Gosh, we almost had a couple inches of snow with gusty winds on our first
day of February. I learned that we may have a longer “winter” season for
another six weeks. Please do stay warm.

I am sure many of you noticed some more changes for the better inside our
cluhouse building. Please thank the following member volunteers who have
been working around here for the last two weeks: Jesse Carrizales, Mitch
Bien, Preston Ashley, Sr., Alfredo Gonzales, Will Monteleone and David

If any of you took some pictures during our Halloween Party, Thanksgiving
Feast, CINGO Christmas Dinner and New Year’s Eve Party, please come and see
me. I will have someone to help download the pictures from your camera
and/or pager. Many thanks!

Last January 22, 2011 during our General Member Meeting, we had an election.
I want to share who have remain on Board and new incoming Board of
Directors, Trustees and Chair of our committees. Congratulation to the
following individuals who have been elected, I am looking forward to work
with them throughout 2011.

Officers are: President: Donna Lide; Vice –President and Secretary: Both
are vacant, please see me if you may be interested; Treasurer: Jimmy

Board of Directors are: Anthony Jones (Chair), Jesse Carrizales, Ray Dean,
Teresa Dell, Will Monteleone, Herbert Picou and Kevin Sowards.

Trustees are: Alan Bubuck, Jr., Darryl Greer and Ken Seabolt.

Bar manager: Ray Seal

House Manager: Jesse Carrizales

Member Secretary: Callie Foster

Social Director: Judy Hagen

Webmaster: Cathy Edler-Ashley

Chair of the following committees:

Annual Award Night: Herb Picou

Christmas Ornaments: Maria Walker

CINGO: Larry Campero

DDP: Anthony Jones

Fourth of July Celebration: Executive Board

Mardi Gras: Sonja Cooksey

New Year Eve Party: Executive Board

Robert J Wood Memorial Mixed Bowling Tournament: Ken Seabolt and Jimmy

Thanksgiving Feast: Callie Foster

Super Bowl Party: Preston Ashley, Sr.

Following events for this month are:

Friday February 4- Prime Time, Sign Time. Come and meet Ray Seal, who will
be your PTST host

Saturday February 5- Best Cross Dressing Party – 7 pm (check the flier)

Sunday February 6- Super Bowl XLV Party, Door opens @ 12 pm. (check the

Saturday February 12- Blind-Deaf-Orphan hosting a party from 8 pm to 2 am
(great food)

Saturday February 19- CINGO Night 8:30 pm. ya’ll come and play

Saturday February 26-General Member Meeting 7:30 pm

For those of you who are having a birthday this month, DAD wish you all a
“Happy Birthday and Happy Valentine Day”!

I would like to remind you to always check out DAD’s website, for updated information about any of our upcoming
events and social nights.

Also if you desire to use the DAD’s meeting hall for your meeting and/or
parties, please contact me either in person or via email,

And have a Happy February!

DADingly yours,
Donna Lide

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