Mental Health Workshop 5/21/11 – DFW
The 3rd Saturday Workshop Group hosted by signs2go has an amazing guest
presentation team scheduled for May 21, 2011. We would like to extend an
invitation to attend our workshop. Seating is limited, therefore,
pre-registration is required. See more details below.
3rd Saturday Workshop: “Effective Collaboration with Mental Health
presented by Dr. Carole Rogers and Muriel Buie, BEI level III.
Date: May 21, 2011
Time: 10:00 am-5:00pm
Bullon Home
3929 Seven Gables St.
Fort Worth, TX 76133
Cost: $35.00
Hosted by: signs2go (Phyllis Bullon)
For more information contact: Phyllis Bullon
muriel buie
Please email your registration/reservation information based on the form
I will email you with your status (registered or waiting list) and the
appropriate fee if applicable.
Seating is limited. (reservation cancellations are non-refundable).
I would like to register for the May 21, 2011 workshop ” Effective
Collaboration with Mental Health Professionals”
_______3rd Saturday Group Member
I am a/an:
_______OTHER _________________________________
Hammers can be used to build or damage things. Similarly, the relationship
between social services providers can strengthen or hurt the growth of
clients. This is especially true when it comes to working with Deaf and hard
of hearing clients.
Without the bi-lingual/bi-cultural skills of Interpreters, Deaf and hard of
hearing clients are often unable to get their needs fulfilled. However, in
the best situation, the Interpreter becomes the tool that the Deaf client
can utilize to successfully navigate the “social service maze”.
One of the most challenging situations for the Interpreter is the
Psychological Setting. The goals of this workshop are:
-to help Interpreters become more comfortable understanding and working with
Psychologists and the mental health setting,
-to establish and offer a higher level of support services to the Deaf and
hard of hearing clientele,
-and to discuss the philosophy and applied ethics required of both
Interpreters and Mental Health Professionals.
Dr. Carole Rogers:
Dr. Rogers was born in New York and grew up in New Jersey. Dr. Rogers earned
her undergraduate degree in Communication Studies from Northwestern
University outside Chicago, Illinois.
After college, Dr. Rogers worked in the corporate world for two years before
deciding to return to school for an advanced degree in psychology.
Dr. Rogers received a full scholarship from Baylor University where she
earned her Doctorate Degree in Clinical Psychology.
After graduating from Baylor, Dr. Rogers ran a school for teenagers who had
severe mental illness and could not return to a traditional school
environment. It was here that her interest in working with, and advocating
for, the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community began, after she witnessed a
preteen being misdiagnosed and hospitalized for schizophrenia when she was
actually Deaf.
Dr. Rogers next spent the next two years working as the Clinical Director at
the Dallas County Youth Village, a residential treatment facility for court
adjudicated youth.
For the past 11 years Dr. Rogers has served as the Director of Jewish Family
Services in Fort Worth. She also maintains a private practice where she
does mostly psychological evaluations…vocational evaluations for the state,
treatment recommendations for Juvenile Probation and learning disability
evaluations for private clients, the local universities and local
Osteopathic school.
Dr. Rogers is one of three psychologist in Tarrant County certified by the
Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services to complete
psychological evaluations for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities.
Dr. Rogers finds her work with the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities to
be her most meaningful. She appreciates the collaboration with
interpreters, and the opportunity to advocate for, and impact the lives of,
people in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities…..cultures she feels are
misunderstood and marginalized by the Hearing world.
Muriel Anne Buie Level III, Texas Court Certified:
Is celebrating her 25th year as a certified member of the interpreting
profession. She has been employed by a local agency for 13 years and is
exclusive with this agency. Prior to her coming to this agency, she worked
as an interpreter/assistant to the director of the National Mental Health
Institute on Deafness at Hugley’s Willow Creek Hospital formerly located in
Arlington, Texas. While working with Deaf professional staff as well as non
signing staff members, she had her first experience of working in a
“treatment team”, where all staff members were able to give feedback
regarding clients language usage, behavioral observations, etc. This was a
very unusual environment for an interpreter at that time. The interpreter
was considered a language and cultural expert and an integral part of the
treatment team. The interpreter “language interview/assessment” preceded the
mental health intake. The answers during the interview assisted the
clinician in choice of assessment tools to evaluate the client effectively.
As an active community member, Mrs. Buie has attended professional
conferences in mental health including: Neuropsychology and Deafness
Conference at Gallaudet University, DARS Summer Conference on Transitioning
in Corpus Christi, Texas, the Deaf/Deaf-blind, Low functioning At Risk
Conference, Houston, Texas, most recently the MHIT Conference in Montgomery,
Phyllis S. Bullon
DARS-BEI Certified
Sign Language Interpreter
Private Practitioner