Translating the Bible in the Sign Languages of Africa & India
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
6:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Watson Hall
Lovers Lane United Methodist Church
9200 Inwood Road
Dallas, Texas 75220
Come meet Paul Ndungu, director of *DOOR-Africa which is translating the
Bible into seven different signed languages of the Deaf. Operating from a
brand-new facility in Nairobi, Kenya, DOOR-Africa is changing lives and
generations of Deaf people in Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Ghana, Uganda,
Ethiopia and India. Paul is in Dallas for a limited time through Wycliffe
Bible Translators. The Deaf Fellowship of Lovers Lane United Methodist
Church is honored to invite the Deaf community of Dallas to meet this
special Deaf Christian man. A light dinner will be served at 6:30pm in
Watson Hall, followed by a presentation by Paul Ndungu.
For more information about this event and to RSVP by Tuesday, September 6,
please email Tom Hudspeth at . The Deaf community,
their hearing family, friends and students of ASL are especially welcome!
Voice interpreted.
If you would like to know more about DOOR-Africa’s work, go to
*DOOR is Deaf Opportunity OutReach.