3 Bridges Announcement – Austin

3 Bridges announcement

Hello All,

It is a great pleasure to announce that 3 Bridges Interpreting is coming
into our 2nd year serving deaf and hard of hearing in Central Texas. We have
been successful mostly from the hard work of our current interpreters and
they are leading us into another great year.

For all of those who have worked with us…this past year has been a

With growth comes more job opportunities! If you are a certified interpreter
in the Austin area and would like to be a part of our team, we would love to
talk with you. Depending on your availability, we have a great deal of work.

3 Bridges will have another successful year with the help of our wonderful
interpreters. If you are interested in joining our team please contact 3
Bridges Interpreting at the email address below to schedule an
interview/meeting. We look forward to working with you soon.

Benefits of working with 3 Bridges

* Bi-monthly pay
* Free CEU workshops for 3B interpreters (3B sponsored workshops)
* Competitive wages
* Flexible scheduling
* No restrictions on working with other agencies
* Friendly and supportive staff

“The quality of an organization can never exceed the quality of the minds
that make it up.”

Contact Us Now: 3bridgesaustin@gmail.com

Founder of 3 Bridges

Margie Bridges

Website: http://www.3bridgesaustin.com

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